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Status Reviewed - on hold
Categories Reports
Created by Jill Hazard
Created on Dec 22, 2023

Data tracking/reporting on embed function in LTi

Please feel free to alter category accordingly as I am uncertain where this would sit as it could be in many areas.

We would like the ability to track when the embed list function has been actioned by an academic within the LTi. This would be both to identify that LTi linking to x module code has been altered but also as an overall figure over a period of people using this function.

I would assume that this action would be recorded in Advanced MIS, but ideally not and a separate report for ease of access.

Reasoning - we are getting a number of calls through telling us that the LTi Linking between Blackboard to RLO isn't working, when checking there is a different list than there should be attached to the list. On those instances where I've been involved it becomes apparent after a lot of checking and testing that the academics have used the embed a list function and added the wrong list. Checking the information we have in our system to build a picture to point to the likelihood of this being the case takes time and is tricky to explain to people who aren't involved in the system side, having a report that confirms that someone (doesn't have to identify who) selected embed the list on that connection would save a lot of time and difficulty in explaining why we think it's likely their action causing the issue.

We would also like to know the frequency of people performing a manual intervention when they may not need to/need to support them in using RLO to add the module code/hierarchy effectively.

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  • Admin
    Georgia Hajipieris
    Jan 4, 2024

    Hi Jill, thanks for your suggestion. We will need to consult our development team for further discussion on this. Best, Georgia Georgiou (Product Manager)