Currently when bookmarking from Primo you have the DOI, Web Address and Open URL option. for Primo there is also a permalink for the resource, we would like this to be a linking option from bookmarking. DOI doesn't work well as the resource may be from another platform from here the DOI lives, in Alma, the link for the resource is in the portfolio, not always the MARC record so web address won't always work, the Open URL is the most useful, however can be tricky to get it to recognise a link to merged records affectively (where metadata for electronic and print aren't fully matched for the open URL to pull in both) and the Open URL record provided in Primo does not include the full details from the local record being used. If it could be an option for the permalink it would link to the direct record AND help for those instances where we want to push it to the merged record specifically and let used see the full details on the record.