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Categories Reviews
Created by Nial Halford-Busby
Created on Feb 12, 2024

Hyperlinked DOIs in the Review screen

Feedback from our content and acquisitions team suggests that they would like to be able to test links in the Review screen by clicking an item's DOI, since our end-users will be mostly accessing online resources via the DOI. It would be useful if the DOI field could be hyperlinked in the same manner as the URL and OpenURL fields, assuming this is possible.

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  • Admin
    Kate Broadfield
    Jun 5, 2024

    Hello again Nial!

    We recently shipped the new links panel in reviews to enable a reviewer to see all relevant link types, URLs, whether View Onine button was ticked, and whether the link was proxied.

    We hope this is working well for you. Please review and let us know if you have any enhancement or clarifications. Are the headers meaningful or would you adjust them? Thanks in advance!

  • Admin
    Kate Broadfield
    Apr 17, 2024

    Hello Nial,

    We have confirmed the feasibility and plan to provide more linking information directly within Reviews so one does not need to go back to the list to check DOI or other links.

    This is currently in design with other linking requirements and intended to be developed within Q2 2024.

    Best regards


  • Admin
    Georgia Hajipieris
    Feb 15, 2024

    Hi Nial, thanks for your feedback. We will be taking this idea to our dev and UX teams to assess feasibility during our Reviews theme of work upcoming. Best, Georgia Georgiou (Product Manager)