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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal
Status Reviewed - on hold
Categories Bookmarking
Created by Jill Hazard
Created on Sep 6, 2024

Ability to share/show bookmarks

With the developments happening around bookmarking, we were wondering whether the ability to allow sharing of your bookmarks would be something to be added to that review?

We've been asked by our librarians about the possibility for an academic to 'share' allow another/invite another to see their bookmarks when they don't want to do this on an RLO specifically, in preparation for RLOs to be created or when collaborating on course development.

if memory serves be correctly organizing of bookmarks (folders/tags) has already been discussed, so it that occurs then sharing to be at both all and specific folder/tag level.

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  • Admin
    Georgia Hajipieris
    Sep 12, 2024

    Hi Jill, thanks for your idea. We will revisit this again when looking at updating the 'My Bookmarks' area. A possible work around could be to create an unpublished list with multiple list owners to collaboratively add resources to if needed. Thanks, the Product Team