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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal
Status Reviewed - on hold
Categories Bookmarking
Created by Jill Hazard
Created on May 22, 2024

Ability to set an institutional level retention period for storage of bookmarks by list editors and creators

We've had a number of problems related to bookmarks over the years, where our list creators and editor have used older bookmarks without checking whether the links work. This is particularly a problem when switching suppliers, such as when Dawsonera closed for business and we needed to bulk-change item links to full text, or when providers change their base URL.

Being able to set a retention policy for our institution's bookmarks would enable us to remove older bookmarks from the system, which would prevent the reintroduction of broken links after clean-up work has been carried out. Also, it would help our list creators in adding content that is up to date and with working links. As the bookmarks and list items are static at point of bookmarking and are not connected dynamically to our discovery platform, this would go some way into hopefully preventing these issues.

We would need to be able to set the retention period and the frequency with which the job can be scheduled to clear out the older bookmarks, and also have the ability to run the job manually ourselves as needed.

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  • Admin
    Georgia Hajipieris
    May 23, 2024

    Hi Jill, thanks for your idea. We have moved this idea into our bookmarking theme to revisit later this year. Best, the product team