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Status Feasibility Review
Categories Reviews
Created by Charilaos Panagiotakopoulos
Created on May 16, 2024

Ability to filter review by outcome date

Having the review outcomes in a separate tab now takes much longer to process a review as you have to click on the tab for each item to see when it was last checked. The option to move the outcomes back into the Resource info tab that has already been added as an idea will resolve this but if this is not possible, can a filter be added to sort the review by date of outcome last set?

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  • Nicky Ransom
    Jun 19, 2024

    I am also finding this is adding a lot of time to our reviews workflow. Unfortunately, just seeing the latest outcome on the Resource Info tab won't help us as sometimes there are several outcomes that are relevant (eg, a reviewer has asked a question and a liaison librarian has answered), so we need to see both entries ideally. We also have items that appear on multiple lists and we're interested in the last outcome for this list, not for other lists.

    What might be helpful for us is to have just the date of the latest outcome for this reading list somewhere on the Resource Info tab - would that be possible?

    Thanks, Nicky

  • Admin
    Kate Broadfield
    May 23, 2024

    Hi Harry and folks at Glasgow!

    We are looking at the option of showing the latest outcome on the default Resource Info tab. Would this solve a significant portion of your need?

    Also it seems a sort by most recent outcome may take the same clicks as clicking on the outcome tab?

    If you would share any more of your workflow or how the latest outcome helps you, this will help improvements in the coming month & longer term design considerations.

    Thank you so much. Please keep the ideas, problems, and feedback coming - it is very helpful!

    Kind regards, Kate and Aspire team

    cc @Guest

    1 reply
  • Admin
    Kate Broadfield
    May 17, 2024

    HI Harry ( @Guest )

    Great idea thank you for submitting it. I will discuss with the technical and UX team to assess it's feasibility / ease to implement.

    You will find that we are bringing other features from lists which are needed during reviews in to the area on Resource Info Tab where Outcomes used to be. This should save you additional time in completing reviews.

    We are looking at the ability to display the latest outcome in that initial panel. These two ideas together might complement each other nicely. I will discuss with the team to see if it's practical to implement!

    Kind regards,
