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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal
Status Reviewed - on hold
Categories Reviews
Created by Robin Straaijer
Created on Mar 20, 2024

Filter Reviews by presence/absence of note for library

Hej! Our TA subscription is currently set up to send automatic review requests when new lists are published. We want also, however, to regulate the workload of our information specialist by being able to prioritise for review those lists that have a note for the library somewhere in the list.

Whereas the All Items-report does contain a filter option for this (Note for library = "not empty"), it would really help us if this filter would also be available in the Reviews-menu, perhaps as part of the All alerts-filter.

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    Georgia Hajipieris
    Mar 21, 2024

    Hi Robin, thanks for your feedback. We will be taking this to our team for a feasibility review. Best, The Product Team

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