LibKey nomad is a great tool to facilitate getting access to library subscribed content. It is integrated with Ex Libris Leganto, and eReserve It can only be entered as an openURL option in T...
Bex Carruthers
about 1 year ago
in Proxy
Reviewed - on hold
Bookmarking screen to include 'Note for library' and 'Note for students' fields
It would be really useful to be able to populate the 'Note for library' field (and indeed, the 'Note for students' field as well) at the point of Bookmarking, like we used to be able to do in the old list view. Our academics naturally assume that ...
Julie Beard
about 1 year ago
in Bookmarking
Reviewed - on hold
We would like to be able to have faculty be able to publish and unpublish lists, so that they do not need to archive material between semester and create copies. If they know that a list will be active again in two semester, then unpublishing the ...
Alicia Arding
about 1 year ago
in Accessibility
Reviewed - on hold
We would like to have the ability to make lists completely private. They should not be searchable in the Talis search but should still be found by the creator in the BlackBoard LTI. Faculty would like to be able to keep their lists completely priv...
Alicia Arding
about 1 year ago
in Privacy
Reviewed - on hold
Add ability to change icons for Library and Student notes
In consultation with stakeholders on our Indigenising Curriculum reading list, a question was raised on whether it was possible to change the icons for Library and Student notes to something less aggressively Western. The specific suggestion made ...
Kia Owens
about 1 year ago
in Branding
Reviewed - on hold
Make the 'Report Broken Link' button only appear as an option for electronic resources
We have recently activated the 'Report broken link' feature. However we are surprised to see it appears as an option for both electronic and print resources. This has confused students, with many assuming online access to a print resource is broke...
Sarah @ AUT
about 1 year ago
in Accessibility
Reviewed - on hold
In the same way that there is a 'go to top' tab, it would be useful to have a 'go to bottom' tab at the top of reading lists. Useful when working on long lists, after publishing, searching from bottom upwards, etc
Dee McMahon
over 1 year ago
in Edit List
Reviewed - on hold
I am afraid the new VIEW AVAILABILITY is causing a lot of confusion with our students with multiple reports of broken links associated with print resources where this button is displayed. It’s too similar to the VIEW ONLINE button. I suggest it's ...
Nicholas Gates
over 1 year ago
Reviewed - on hold
Ability to 'cut & paste' sections of a reading list into another reading list. I work on multiple programmes where my subject is one of several within a module, each of which has its own, specific reading list associated. With the current set-up, this means that my texts need to be painstakingly added to each. functionality that enables you to lift whole sections (or a link to all/part of another reading list) would save huge amounts of time each year.
Subject Leads; Module Leads; Programme Leads; Those working on a portfolio of courses
over 1 year ago
in Edit List
Reviewed - on hold
Add OCR status of digitisations to the Advanced MIS data
It would be really useful to be able to run a report on digitisation requests where the PDF has not been OCRd. That information doesn't currently exist in Advanced MIS, but Consulting can run a custom report to generate a report.
Bex Carruthers
over 1 year ago
in Advanced Mis
Reviewed - on hold