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Add a 'broken link reported' icon next to list items when they are reported as broken

It would be useful if there was a 'broken link reported' icon next to a list item to show when it has been reported as broken. This will ensure other students using the same list know it has been reported by another user and they needn't report it...
Sarah @ AUT 7 months ago in Accessibility 1 Will not implement

Change the save buttons in the Assign List Owner window.

When a user is assigned as the 'List Owner' of the list, if the Save button is clicked (instead of the Save with List Publisher role), the user is granted ownership without editor permissions. This is not particularly obvious and causing frustrati...
Sarah @ AUT 7 months ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

Remove the new status feature on Lists and just change the wording of the existing Publish bar instead

We have the ongoing problem of lecturers using expired lists, instead of the lists rolled over for their course. As the new green "PUBLISHED: This lists is live , students can see latest changes " status label is appearing on all published lists, ...
Sarah @ AUT 7 months ago in Edit List 1 Feasibility Review

Change automated notification emails so they aren't mistaken for Spam/Scams

When a lecturer is assigned as the List Owner of a reading list, they receive this automated message: ""Congratulations John Smith, You have been assigned as the owner of the reading list TALIS101 - Talis Aspire (
Sarah @ AUT 7 months ago in  1 Future consideration

To be able to Create a bespoke 'Archive' Message for lists for your Tenancy

The current Archive message and colour means any users accessing are assuming they cannot access an archived list. If your VLE set-up allows students to maintain access to all the modules they study on their course year on year then you have to de...
Guest 7 months ago in Branding 1 Future consideration

Please automatically tick the Online Resource box when 'Document' is selected as the resource type

Documents are practically always online PDFs. Please make the Online Resource box automatically ticked when 'Document' is selected as the resource type. (The same way webpage is automatically ticked) In the rare instance that a print document is b...
Sarah @ AUT 7 months ago in Bookmarking 1 Will not implement

View other formats/editions - search with editor

Currently the View other formats/editions search only uses the Title and Author. Where a work has an editor, not an author, our EDS search fails to find any results. If you do title and author search, using the edit as the author, it locates the a...
Bex Carruthers 7 months ago in  2 Reviewed - on hold

create a fix to allow for number of student in review be clearer which time period they belong to

We have a roll-over process which involves having multiple time periods being available and published at the same time. However the Review area shows the number of students related to ALL lists that the list item displays on, this means that it co...
Jill Hazard 7 months ago in Reviews 1 Future consideration

Add heading levels to the PDF export of a reading list

The PDF export of a reading list does not contain heading levels which would enable screen reader users to navigate to different sections using quick navigation keys. This makes it extremely time-consuming to try locate or access the readings for ...
Guest 7 months ago in Accessibility 2 Feasibility Review

Address a focus or scrolling issue when using keyboard navigation

Using the arrow and other quick navigation keys with a screen reader such as JAWS for Windows to navigate a reading list which is organised by weeks or topics. The content seems to auto-scroll and unexpectedly change screen reader focus. When I re...
Guest 7 months ago in Accessibility 2 Reviewed - on hold