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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal
Status Moved to Operations
Categories Time Periods
Created by James Fisher
Created on Sep 3, 2024

Create sub-time period for terms / semesters to filter out lower priority lists

We would like to have an additional field for 'Term' added to the metadata for individual reading lists in Talis Aspire. This would enable us to record whether a list was for term 1 or term 2 (or occasionally term 3) or not for any particular term and make it easier for us to prioritise lists to work on at busy periods such as during the summer in the lead up to the start of term 1. At the moment we just have to add 'Term 1' or 'Term 2' in brackets as part of the reading list title when we have this information. However, there is no prompt for the academic to provide the information without a specific field to update and we are also unable to filter for all lists from a particular term.

We would be able to work much more efficiently if this field could be added to Talis Aspire.

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  • James Fisher
    Sep 13, 2024

    Hi Lisa, many thanks for your message. I don't think I've heard anything from the Operations Team about this, but I hope your message means that they are looking into it.

    Regarding the internal note field this would be the same as our current workaround where we add the term in brackets at the end of the list name when we know it. What would really improve our processes would be if the term was a separate field (ideally that we could make required to be completed before submitting the list) and which we could filter on when our team is working on the lists so they can focus on the more urgent ones.

    Thanks very much for your suggestion.

    Best wishes,


  • Lisa Svanfeldt-Winter
    Sep 5, 2024

    Thank you for your feedback! We understand you are discussing this also with the Operations team. Would the new internal note field be helpful for your cause the time being? Best, The Product Team.