We sometimes have list owners who publish entirely blank reading list, as in, no resources, sections, paragraphs, etc. We don't mind if we get the occasional list which is blank besides a message reading "coming soon!" or similar, because at least these give some indication of the situation.
But entirely blank lists, it is not only confusing for our Acquisitions team, but we are particularly concerned about the confusion this may cause for our student users who may think that the blank list is the result of a problem at their end.
It would be helpful if the system either stopped users from publishing a blank list, or presented a pop up warning when they try to do so (a bit like has been discussed around the implementing of mandatory importances).
Thanks Georgia!
Hi Emily, thanks for your feedback. There are some holding messages in the student and staff list views which I have attached a screenshot of to identify if a list is empty. Thanks, the Product Team