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Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Accessibility 1 Already exists

Enable filtering of lists by items with Student Notes

Recently list filtering by items with Library Notes was enabled which has been very useful! We would also find it useful if we could filter by Student Notes too.
Sarah @ AUT 4 months ago in Edit List 1 Future consideration

Enable the metadata of reading list items and digitisations to be synced/linked

Currently, if the metadata in a reading list item is updated, the metadata in the linked ditigisation is not updated too. It would be helpful if the metadata for each were synced, so we do not have to update both separately!
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in  TADC 0 Reviewed - on hold

Enable multiple timestamped 'Notes' to be added to resources including 'Notes FROM Library'

Currently we ask users to manually add the date and their name when they create a 'Note for Library' so librarians know when their note was written and by who. Unfortunately, our users often forget, and it can be difficult to distinguish new notes...
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Edit List 0 Planned

Add counting View Online clicks to Reading List Dashboard

It would be great to let Faculty look at a dashboard for their own lists without awaiting central Google Analytics. However, the fact that this doesn't include View Online stats renders it quite useless. Instructors want to know that students are ...
Julie Cole over 1 year ago in  4 Planned

Enable preset customisation of List Publisher invitation text at tenancy level

We'd like to be able to pre-customise our List Publisher invitation text at tenancy level, instead of each time an invitation is sent. We have a standard text we send to new academics with their invitation, but each time Library staff send an invi...
Guest about 1 year ago in User roles and permissions 1 Reviewed - on hold

Open Access Bookmarking - Version flagging and institution level control of what would be offered

Hello, we've been looking at the Open Access Bookmarking option and have decided that it is not currently something we can add but have specific areas where if it were improved we may decide to add. at point of book marking the list creator/editor...
Jill Hazard 5 months ago in Bookmarking 2 Future consideration

Option to run a Talis digitised extracts report showing the Talis extract request id as well as the DCS id - see screenshot

We'd like to be able to run a report linking the Talis request ID to the corresponding DCS request ID. Currently we can only see this information when we go into each individual request id on the DCS/Talis integration - see screen shot integration...
Guest over 1 year ago in DCS Integration 2 Reviewed - on hold

Prevent users from publishing blank lists

We sometimes have list owners who publish entirely blank reading list, as in, no resources, sections, paragraphs, etc. We don't mind if we get the occasional list which is blank besides a message reading "coming soon!" or similar, because at least...
Emily Streeter 5 months ago in Edit List 2 Will not implement

Edit 'Request a review' notification

When you click to request a review from a reading list - the current message displayed is Request review To review student numbers associated with this list, select 'Hierarchy and student numbers' in the edit menu. Please can we have the ability t...
jacqui Hunt 10 months ago in self-serve beta 0 Self-serve feedback