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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal
Status Reviewed - on hold
Categories TADC
Created by Annushka Donin
Created on Nov 21, 2023

Ability to set a minimum amount of time with the 'Needed By' digitisation function

As admins we can restrict the year dates, but not the amount of notice given for a digitisation. We use the time between the 'Needed by' and 'Live' dates as performance measures, and we would really like to be able to put some restrictions in to increase the amount of notice a requester has to give for when their scan is 'Needed by' to a reasonable amount (e.g. a one or two working day minimum) instead of expecting it to be digitised instantly. Ever institution should be able to choose how much notice they consider reasonable. We think this would enhance the service by providing more realistic expectations for the users.

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  • Admin
    Georgia Hajipieris
    Nov 23, 2023

    HI Chrissie, thanks for your feedback. Currently, this is not on our roadmap for 2024, however we have put this idea in the backlog for future consideration. Best, Georgia (Product Manager)