This is something we've wanted for quite some time for a variety of reasons:
Able to more quickly deal with requests to take two or more lists and merge them together for a new module e.g. where course revalidation results in two 15 credit modules becoming one 30 credit module - at the moment we have to pick one list as master, and painstakingly identify additional bookmarks on the other list, saving each individually then adding them in, and often recreating sections.
Ability to select useful sections from other resource lists which are equally as relevant/generic enough and copy those into a list
Opportunity to create 'template' sections which could quickly be copied into a variety of lists e.g. study skills, library, accessibility tools, librarian pre-made sections for each course/subject etc
We do have generic resource lists which we link to in a range of subject lists and elsewhere, but sometimes it would be preferable to just have a section with a handful of links which we can copy into any number of subject lists, negating the need for the student to jump in and out to other lists (if they bother to at all).
yes please. Multiple times a year we get requests to merge one list into another and we have to explain that 1) no, bookmarks must be copied over manually and 2) no, we don't have the capacity in the lead up to semesters to do this for academics. We get asked multiple times a year to "merge" lists and there is disappointment and consternation when we can't and don't have the capacity to manually copy over bookmarks for the academic -- I'm the primary and for more advanced functions only trainer and support person.
This is a great idea and one we get asked about regularly in our RLO workshops with academics.
Just to add, it would be handy to be able to copy and add not only sections from only list to another, but a whole RLO list too (almost like a merge of lists)
It would be a huge help to be able to cut and paste reading lists topics from once list to another. The lack of this functionality is very frustrating. It has cost me many hours, which I could have dedicated to other more productive tasks.
Template sections would be a real timesaver if it created the opportunity to add a link + note for student to multiple lists.
I've just raised (pretty much) this as a suggestion!
Working on multiple programmes where my contribution is only a section of different modules, means I'm carefully placing the same information into multiple reading lists.
Hadn't thought of the use in adding sections like Study Skills - that is a great idea too.
Please expedite this, Talis!
Thanks for adding this to the backlog - we would definitely be interested in this as the University is planning a large change to programmes and academic year structure which will lead to lots of changes to our modules. We may need to merge online reading lists or copy existing sections into new reading lists, so this development would be very helpful and potentially save a lot of manual adding.
We plan to do this and have added to our backlog of continuous improvement tickets. I would love to hear from anyone on specific use cases or examples we can use for testing.
Thanks Lucy & Kathryn for your additional comments! :-)
This would save so much time and effort.
[like] Kathryn Devine reacted to your message:
Hi Sarah!
This is a terrific idea, thank you for posting it. I have heard this from several customers and see you already have some votes on it, so the value is clear.
I will bring this back to the team for a feasibility review & estimation to see when it might be feasible to make some improvements in this area.
Kind Regards,