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Add OCR status of digitisations to the Advanced MIS data

It would be really useful to be able to run a report on digitisation requests where the PDF has not been OCRd. That information doesn't currently exist in Advanced MIS, but Consulting can run a custom report to generate a report.
Bex Carruthers over 1 year ago in Advanced Mis 1 Reviewed - on hold

Student numbers (if available) to be displayed in the reviews summary

This would greatly help us checking student numbers in another tab. Other list details are included, so it would be great if student numbers could be too.
Guest 11 months ago in Reviews 3 Reviewed - on hold

Improvements to the User Profiles data -- last login sortable, add profile status and creation date

Currently there is no quick way of telling if a profile is new, disused, or defunct. It would be very helpful if: the 'Last Login' column in 'All User Profiles' was sortable profiles were labelled as 'active' by default when they are created profi...
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in User Profiles 3 Reviewed - on hold

Remove deleted lists from 'My invites' list in 'My profile'

Currently, deleted lists continue to appear on 'My invites' list in 'My profile'. This is most irksome given the list link takes you to an error screen. This may or may not be a one-off error only I am experiencing, nevertheless, it would be usefu...
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in User Profiles 1 Reviewed - on hold

★ Change the 'Copy list' function to 'Backup list' and make list-creation/coping Admin-Only

Academics keep using the 'copy list' function to make unnecesary duplicate lists, or 'create new lists' -- abandoning their existing list and starting new ones. Sometimes they do this because it reassures them that they have made a 'back-up' befor...
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Rollover 0 Reviewed - on hold

delete an incorrect outcomes log

sometimes as admin, we select an incorrect outcome for a resource when reviewing a reading list and it would be useful to be able to delete this and add the correct outcome
Guest 6 months ago in Reviews 2 Reviewed - on hold

Add field in the "all list" download to identify if the item is a resource or paragraph

We do not use reviewing in order to assess lists due to staffing constraints. We use the all list export to quickly identify items for purchase or for any data corrections that need to be made. At present there are entries for both resources and p...
Chrissie Ley Hughes 12 months ago in Reports 1 Reviewed - on hold

Allow homepage links to open in new tab

A change was recently made to allow head and footer links to open in a new tab, rather than overriding the current page. However, this does not apply to the logo in the header, or to the Talis Aspire logo in the footer. We would like the same func...
Debbie Bogard about 1 year ago in Branding 1 Reviewed - on hold

Change 'Edit list details' to 'Edit list privacy' only

Only system administrators/library staff should be able to change list settings such as the time periods, titles, and licences. We find the description box is rarely used. Academics tend to change the time periods to 'rollover' their list, without...
Sarah @ AUT 6 months ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

Change the save buttons in the Assign List Owner window.

When a user is assigned as the 'List Owner' of the list, if the Save button is clicked (instead of the Save with List Publisher role), the user is granted ownership without editor permissions. This is not particularly obvious and causing frustrati...
Sarah @ AUT 7 months ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold