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Showing 24

Can the drop down list for resource types be in alphabetical order please?

We are pleased to see the introduction of 4 additional resource types, however it would be great if the drop down list in the edit screen could be in alphabetical order please.
Fiona Lowe 16 days ago in Bookmarking 1 Planned

Put Add field selector above Part lookup in the bookmarking screen

While we have more issues with the new bookmarking interface that I think would be good to address in the future, a relatively easy change that would be beneficial to us would be to 'flip' the Add field and Part lookup selectors in the bookmarking...
Kia Owens about 1 month ago in Bookmarking 4 Planned

Mandatory importances to be available when using the 'Add Resource' feature in list view

We have recently enabled mandatory importances. However, many of our academics use the 'Add Resource' feature to add items to their lists. Unfortunately adding items in this way does not force an importance to be set, only a prompt at list publish...
Guest 3 months ago in Importances 2 Planned

Move the 'additional fields' button above the Resource lookup field in the bookmarking screen

In the new bookmarking screen the 'additional fields' button takes a lot of scrolling to find and it would be better if it was higher up the page. We would like it to sit above the 'Resource lookup' field, under the 'Link to' button. We've include...
Sarah Halliday 4 months ago in Bookmarking 2 Planned

Allow digitisation requests for the resource type 'document'

It would be helpful if list owners could request digitisation from their reading lists for items that are not chapters or articles especially documents. Currently they (or Library staff) have to change the resource type in order to activate the re...
Guest 5 months ago in  TADC 3 Planned

Enable upload of documents in MS Word format (or other non pdf formats) into reading lists and TADC vault

To enable management of alternative accessible format documents provided to our students, we would like to manage these documents by creating a reading list and uploading the documents to the TADC vault. The optimum format for accessible documents...
Fiona Lowe 5 months ago in  TADC 1 Planned

Change the appearance of the bookmarking screen.

We are finding the new appearance of the bookmarking screen to be very problematic. The item being added/edited no longer previews. This was very useful for librarians when editing the metadata. Bring back the preview. The metadata fields section ...
Sarah @ AUT 6 months ago in Bookmarking 6 Planned

New resource type: book portions & Combine two tabs for journal articles when bookmarking

We have feedback from an academic: I have spent more than 1 hour to try to add a book portion (NOT a whole chapter) and still could not add it. So, we would like to see an option to add book portion (as a new resource type) with multiple page rang...
Jingyue Wu 7 months ago in Bookmarking 3 Planned

Request for Consistency in Bookmarking Experience from Catalogue

We use Talis Aspire and OCLC and have identified inconsistencies in the bookmarking experience from the catalogue. This issue did not occur when we used Sierra. Here are the specifics: eBooks: When bookmarking from the catalogue, it defaults to "O...
Grace Fu 7 months ago in Bookmarking 1 Planned

Option to include resource URL when bookmarking from Primo

When bookmarking from resources within Primo, the Online Resource link defaults via the link resolver/Open URL. We would like to be able to include a direct (platform specific) link to the resource when creating these bookmarks. The URL informatio...
Guest 8 months ago in Bookmarking 2 Planned