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Add ability to change icons for Library and Student notes

In consultation with stakeholders on our Indigenising Curriculum reading list, a question was raised on whether it was possible to change the icons for Library and Student notes to something less aggressively Western. The specific suggestion made ...
Kia Owens over 1 year ago in Branding 1 Reviewed - on hold

Error page dead-end update

Currently when a user attempts to access a page which does not exist in Talis (either it never did or has been removed), they are presented with a green page 404 error: Error! Something has gone wrong, and our team has been notified. 404: Not Foun...
Natalie Hull over 1 year ago in Accessibility 2 Reviewed - on hold

Ability to move a Published list back to Draft status

We wish to exclude certain lists from our purchasing and reporting workflows. Being able to mark them as draft again would help with this.
T M 6 months ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

Ability to 'cut & paste' sections of a reading list into another reading list. I work on multiple programmes where my subject is one of several within a module, each of which has its own, specific reading list associated. With the current set-up, this means that my texts need to be painstakingly added to each. functionality that enables you to lift whole sections (or a link to all/part of another reading list) would save huge amounts of time each year.

Subject Leads; Module Leads; Programme Leads; Those working on a portfolio of courses
Guest over 1 year ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

Back-up copies of previous versions of lists

A new member of academic staff recently deleted several sections and numerous resources from two reading lists by accident. There is currently no way of reverting to the previous versions of these lists, as Talis does not keep any back-ups. We can...
Guest over 1 year ago in Edit List 2 Reviewed - on hold

Option to view Outcomes in the Resource info tab

Having the review outcomes in a separate tab means it takes us longer to process a review. Previously, we could just glance down and see any outcomes on the Resource info tab, rather than needing to click into a separate tab. We would like the opt...
Alexandra Marshall 9 months ago in Reviews 1 Reviewed - on hold

Remove expired users from the system

It would be useful if we could have an option to remove ourselves people who left university/no longer are using Talis RL system
Edyta Krol 11 months ago in User roles and permissions 2 Reviewed - on hold

Change reply address in own institute's email addres

I would like to customize the reply address from messages of the Talis application to our own institute's email address . The reply address is now, but our docents and students have no idea what talisaspire is, so they don'...
Jan Kluivingh over 1 year ago in User roles and permissions 3 Reviewed - on hold

Bulk delete lists

We should be able to bulk delete lits. Our archived lists are mounting up and after a few more years there will be even more!
Katy Maydon over 1 year ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

Hi, it would be great if we could get 'Library notes' and all url fields in public.f_rl_items.

It would be useful for La Trobe as we still rely on manually exporting reports to identify print items via Power Bi. Adding these columns to the Advanced MIS could speed up our process. Thanks.
Jamie McDonald over 1 year ago in Advanced Mis 1 Reviewed - on hold