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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal


Showing 38

Improve bookmarking to capture all metadata relevant for the Resource Type

Currently, when one of our list owners bookmarks a resource from our library discovery platform (Ex Libris Primo VE) or from a publisher site, not all of the relevant fields are populated in the resource record in Talis Aspire. For example, when j...
Guest 9 months ago in Bookmarking 3 Pending review

Colour coded bookmarks

It would be useful to be able to colour code bookmarks in a list, as aside from adding in a 'note for students' there's not really any way of emphasizing the importance of a particular bookmark in a list. For instance, I am currently editing a lis...
Guest 3 months ago in Bookmarking 1 Moved to Operations

Merge/link duplicate bookmarks in the system

Often the same resources are bookmarked by many different users, but with the metadata details varying slightly for each. It can be time-consuming to correct each occurence/variation. It would be very helpful if duplicate bookmarks could be merged...
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Bookmarking 2 Reviewed - on hold

Request for Consistency in Bookmarking Experience from Catalogue

We use Talis Aspire and OCLC and have identified inconsistencies in the bookmarking experience from the catalogue. This issue did not occur when we used Sierra. Here are the specifics: eBooks: When bookmarking from the catalogue, it defaults to "O...
Grace Fu 8 months ago in Bookmarking 1 Planned

Option to include resource URL when bookmarking from Primo

When bookmarking from resources within Primo, the Online Resource link defaults via the link resolver/Open URL. We would like to be able to include a direct (platform specific) link to the resource when creating these bookmarks. The URL informatio...
Guest 8 months ago in Bookmarking 2 Planned

Move the 'additional fields' button above the Resource lookup field in the bookmarking screen

In the new bookmarking screen the 'additional fields' button takes a lot of scrolling to find and it would be better if it was higher up the page. We would like it to sit above the 'Resource lookup' field, under the 'Link to' button. We've include...
Sarah Halliday 5 months ago in Bookmarking 2 Planned

Site configurable label text for 'Add Resource' search function

We would like the wording for 'Search by title, author, or ISBN-13' to be site configurable so that it is clear to instructors/staff what exactly is being searched. For instance, a more useful label text for Douglas College might be 'Search OneSea...
Kristina Long over 1 year ago in Bookmarking 1 Reviewed - on hold

Open Access Bookmarking - Version flagging and institution level control of what would be offered

Hello, we've been looking at the Open Access Bookmarking option and have decided that it is not currently something we can add but have specific areas where if it were improved we may decide to add. at point of book marking the list creator/editor...
Jill Hazard 6 months ago in Bookmarking 2 Future consideration

Ability to share/show bookmarks

With the developments happening around bookmarking, we were wondering whether the ability to allow sharing of your bookmarks would be something to be added to that review? We've been asked by our librarians about the possibility for an academic to...
Jill Hazard 6 months ago in Bookmarking 1 Reviewed - on hold

Link to an individual bookmark with the Moodle plugin

When using the Talis Aspire Moodle plugin you can link to the whole list or sections. However, it would be useful to have the option to link to an individual bookmark as well.
Greg Leurs 6 months ago in Bookmarking 1 Will not implement