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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal
Status Reviewed - on hold
Created by Bex Carruthers
Created on Jul 23, 2024

View other formats/editions - search with editor

Currently the View other formats/editions search only uses the Title and Author. Where a work has an editor, not an author, our EDS search fails to find any results. If you do title and author search, using the edit as the author, it locates the appropriate works. Can this be investigated to improve the experience for edited works?

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  • Guest
    Aug 27, 2024

    Sierra is the same, the search fails if the author field is empty. We would like it to send the editor instead where there is no author.

    If there is neither author or editor the author field should not be sent at all (i.e. don't send the author search string with an empty value).

  • Admin
    Georgia Hajipieris
    Jul 25, 2024

    Hi Bex, thanks for the idea. We will review this in our upcoming Bookmarking theme. Thanks, the Product Team