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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal
Status Reviewed - on hold
Created by Grace Fu
Created on May 9, 2024

Limiting academic permissions in Editing List Details

Currently, academics have the permission to modify the time period and change the title (course code) in the "Edit list details" section. We suggest that academics should not have permission to edit list details, including changing the time period and title (course code).

Academics frequently encounter old reading lists and inadvertently make changes to the time period, despite the existence of an accurate list with the correct time periods. When they request digitisation on these outdated lists, all previous digitisation requests have expired, requiring manual adjustment of start and finish dates before submission. We have to rectify the situation, which can be time-consuming.

Plus, academics occasionally change the title (course code) of lists without realising the implications, leading to confusion and unnecessary editing.

To streamline our workflow and prevent these issues from arising, we ask implementing a limitation on academic’s permissions.

Looking forward to hearing your ideas on how we can tackle this.

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    Georgia Hajipieris
    May 9, 2024

    Hi Grace, thanks for your feedback. We will be reviewing permissions and have put this on our back log to revisit in the future. Thanks, the product team