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Customise name of Library Search in new OCLC WorldCat Discovery integration

It would be good to be able to customise the name of the Library Search in the new OCLC integration (when you use Add Resource, underneath the user's own bookmarks it's currently called Library Search). We all have slightly different local names f...
Guest about 1 year ago in Bookmarking 1 Reviewed - on hold

ADD RESOURCE - add world-wide searching to integrated discovery function

Hello, We've recently added the OCLC discovery integration to our ADD RESOURCE button within the reading list. It's a significant improvement on searching the Nielson database. However, it currently searches our own holdings only. We would ideally...
Nicholas Gates about 1 year ago in  7 Planned

Note For Library - see reporter + get alert when note has been added to reading list

We don't currently assign list owners to reading lists, so can't see who has added a Note for Library. It would also be helpful to have (optional) ability to turn on functionality to send alert when Note to Library has been added.
Guest about 1 year ago in Edit List 1 Planned

Enable preset customisation of List Publisher invitation text at tenancy level

We'd like to be able to pre-customise our List Publisher invitation text at tenancy level, instead of each time an invitation is sent. We have a standard text we send to new academics with their invitation, but each time Library staff send an invi...
Guest about 1 year ago in User roles and permissions 1 Reviewed - on hold

Data tracking/reporting on embed function in LTi

Please feel free to alter category accordingly as I am uncertain where this would sit as it could be in many areas. We would like the ability to track when the embed list function has been actioned by an academic within the LTi. This would be both...
Jill Hazard about 1 year ago in Reports 1 Reviewed - on hold

Add option to receive alert for new digitization requests

At present, staff need to login daily to check for new digitization requests. It would be great if we could receive an alert/notification via email when a new digitization request is submitted.
Guest about 1 year ago in  TADC 1 Reviewed - on hold

Make Sections move through drag and drop function - just like items

For longer lists, moving a section can be difficult, although more advanced users of the system may have work arounds (create a new section and drag and drop the items) or at least know that the option to move a section is there, others may not. H...
Jill Hazard about 1 year ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

Place of publication to be included in report results

In relation to decolonisation of reading lists, i feel it would be useful for the place of publication information to be pulled through to the results report, if that information is in the metadata. Currently only the publisher information comes t...
Suzanne Beck about 1 year ago in Reports 1 Reviewed - on hold

Enable adding a resource while the list is filtered

It would be very useful to be able to add resources and edit the list while terms are entered in the search bar or other filters are applied. This would reduce workload by removing the need to first filter the list to determine which section to ad...
Guest about 1 year ago in Edit List 2 Reviewed - on hold

Talis Aspire Reading lists should allow searching by course code in WorldCat Discovery

Our students would like to be able to search our library catalogue WorldCat Discovery for course codes and easily see search results that are attached to a course code from the current trimester. Currently, we have the integration enabled for Worl...
Kysira Fairbairn about 1 year ago in  3 Reviewed - on hold