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Make customisable confirmation pop-up appear when a user reports a broken link

Currently when a user clicks 'Report broken link', they do not receive a confirmation within Talis or an email notification that their 'broken link report' has been successfully submitted, or information around when the link can be addressed by li...
Sarah @ AUT 9 months ago in  1 Reviewed - on hold

Talis Aspire Discovery Integrations -- VuFind

Can a Talis Aspire Discovery Integration please be developed for the discovery layer 'VuFind' in addition to Primo, EDS, Worldcat, and Summon.
Sarah @ AUT 9 months ago in  2 Reviewed - on hold

Display book author, year and edition information on RL view for chapters

Currently, if the information isn't on the "Has part" element of the bookmark, it will not display on the list view. Critical information that should be brought through from the "Part of" or parent portion is: Date of Publication Author(s) (if the...
Bex Carruthers 9 months ago in Edit List 1 Reviewed - on hold

Creating private lists

We would like to have the ability to make lists completely private. They should not be searchable in the Talis search but should still be found by the creator in the BlackBoard LTI. Faculty would like to be able to keep their lists completely priv...
Alicia Arding 9 months ago in Privacy 0 Reviewed - on hold

Enable lecturers to add a 'Timer/Clock/Stopwatch' label of how long students should spent engaging with each resource

It could be useful if lecturers were able to add a 'time' estimate of how long (mins/hrs) they think students should spend engaging with each resource This could be a 'Timer/Clock/Stopwatch' label BESIDE a resource, rather than this being buried i...
Sarah @ AUT 11 months ago in Edit List 0 Reviewed - on hold

Enable students to mark a resource as useful (👍) or not useful (👎)

Currently students can only set reading intentions or write private notes on reading lists. It would be great if a student could also mark a resource with a thumbs up (👍) or thumbs down (👎) based on how useful they perceived it to be. This could b...
Sarah @ AUT 11 months ago in  1 Reviewed - on hold

Add 'Report' as a resource type and 'Report number' as a metadata field

Currently, 'Report' is not a resource type, and 'Report number' is not a metadata field. Adding these options would make metadata and references more accurate for Reports.
Sarah @ AUT 11 months ago in Bookmarking 1 Reviewed - on hold

Enable content of invitation messages to be reviewed in 'Roles & Invites'

Currently, in 'Roles & Invites' you can see the list of invites that have been sent etc., but the action button for each only has the option to 'Resend invite'. Since we often customise the invite message, it could be useful if the content of ...
Sarah @ AUT 11 months ago in User roles and permissions 0 Reviewed - on hold

Change the order of options in the Time Periods filter drop down in the All Lists report

Currently in the All Lists report, the options in the Time Periods filter drop down are ordered Alphabetically, then Chronologically, with 'No Time Period' at the bottom. Usually when we are doing an All Lists report, we are interested in selectin...
Sarah @ AUT 11 months ago in Reports 0 Reviewed - on hold

Ensure the Publisher of a Journal is automatically added when DOI lookup is used

Currently when DOI lookup is used the publisher information is not automatically added to the Journal information tab in the metadata. The publisher information is important for Copyright reporting, and it can be laborious to manually add this fie...
Sarah @ AUT 11 months ago in Bookmarking 1 Reviewed - on hold