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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal
Status Reviewed - on hold
Categories Reports
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 4, 2023

Include list owner email address in All Lists report.

I reach out to all instructors who have published lists in previous terms. I currently need to create an All Lists report and an All Users Profiles report, and then do a VLOOKUP in Excel to determine the email addresses of those instructors with a reviewed/published list. Adding the email address of the list owner in the All Lists report would make this a lot easier and faster.

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    Kate Broadfield
    Oct 9, 2023

    Hello CJ and all!

    I have added this and am adding all new ideas for reports or analytics to the parking lot to re-assess for next year, though the specific date is not yet planned. We have some preliminary analytics planned for early part of the year, and will likely review these at the time for any quick wins in advance of broader efforts.

