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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal

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Showing 26

Increase compatibility with Law resources

Currently appropriate metadata fields and citiation styles cannot be selected eg. NZLSG As a workaround, we put whole Law citation into the Title field. It would be helpful if there was increased compatibility with Law resources.
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Bookmarking 1 Shipped

New list - guidance prompts/messages/info pop ups

The information pop-up in the My Lists section states: "To create a new list, click on Create new list in the top right corner." The pop-up also have information for editing a list. This message seems to appear for users even if the user permissio...
Guest 7 months ago in Edit List 2 Shipped

Publish button - guidance prompts/messages/info pop ups

The information pop-up next to the published button says "Make your ready reading list visible for students by pressing Publish. Changes are saved automatically, so no need to publish to save!" - i dont think the highlighted wording is the easiest...
Guest 7 months ago in Edit List 1 Shipped

Add 'View availability' button to print resources on lists that are held by the Library

Currently, if a student wants to view the library availability of a print resource they need to click the title. This is not entirely obvious! Students who do not know to do this may think the item is simply not available at all if there is no but...
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Accessibility 10 Shipped

Export list as PDF in selected citation style

We've had reports of lists not being accessible to certain screenreaders (details are being gathered), and students would prefer the list as a Word or PDF document. When you export the list it would be useful to be able to export the list in a sel...
Bex Carruthers 7 months ago in Accessibility 1 Shipped

Show in the Reviews screen whether the Online Resource button in a bookmark has been ticked

When reviewing lists, we very often find that academics adding an online resource have forgotten to ensure that the Online Resource box in a bookmark is ticked (to enable the VIEW ONLINE option on the list). Aspire varies in whether or not it mana...
Guest about 1 year ago in Reviews 6 Shipped

Exporting PDFs from an archived or draft list

Most of our unit assessors don't manage their own lists, so new ones often ask for a copy of the list so that they can work on any changes they need. The ability to download a PDF of an archived or draft list would be great. Otherwise we have to d...
Guest about 1 year ago in  4 Shipped

★ Change the wording of the 'Unpublished changes!' yellow warning bar

Unfortunately the word 'Publish' to make changes visible to students does not resonate with our users, so 'saved, but not published' is confusing. To make it clearer, the warning bar should say: "Unpublished changes! Your changes are not visible t...
Sarah @ AUT over 1 year ago in Edit List 2 Shipped

Allow tenancies to set default importances

In my institution at least, we have an endemic problem with academics simply....not engaging with the importance system -- they just click through without selecting one at all. Considering that we use importances to drive purchasing decisions, my ...
Rosaria Price 5 months ago in Importances 1 Shipped

Please make the onboarding guides in Talis Aspire appear each year or when we need.

Re: Onboarding guides in Talis Aspire – Talis Aspire, please make onboarding guides in Talis Aspire appear again each year after they are dismissed/closed. Now, the guides disappear after dismissed/closed and won’t appear again. Since many academi...
Jingyue Wu 9 months ago in Edit List 4 Shipped