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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal


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Bookmarking print and ebook in one go

Where we have a title in both print and ebook format, I'd love if we could make bookmarklet pick up the LCN for the print version, so we get copy and availability info in the bookmark, but also pick up the 856 $u URL or the Uresolver link for the ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Bookmarking 8 Feasibility Review

OpenURL / Link Resolver: Flexibility in the behaviour and experience

It would be beneficial to have flexibility in the behaviour of the OpenURL within a tenancy. Examples of the flexibility could be in a form of: An exclusions list An option to disable OpenURL for specific bookmarks Option to adjust the appearance ...
Guest 4 months ago in Bookmarking 5 Feasibility Review

Open Access Bookmarking - Version flagging and institution level control of what would be offered

Hello, we've been looking at the Open Access Bookmarking option and have decided that it is not currently something we can add but have specific areas where if it were improved we may decide to add. at point of book marking the list creator/editor...
Jill Hazard 19 days ago in Bookmarking 1 Feasibility Review