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Talis Aspire Ideas Portal
Status Reviewed - on hold
Categories User Profiles
Created by Kia Owens
Created on Aug 25, 2023

Easily clear/remove items from My reading intentions & My notes

We recently had a feedback ticket raised by a student asking how to clear the "Will Read" section of the "My reading intentions" tab in their profile (See screenshot).

After exploring the functionality of this part of Talis (as the students experience in Talis is not one we look at very often), we found the only apparent way to remove resources from this page was to navigate to the reading list they originated from and change it. This is the same for the "My notes" tab of the profile.

Further, if the items on these pages are clicked on, they take us to a view that does not even link to the list they originate from (see screenshot), which makes removing them even more difficult.

Students who are undergoing multiple courses over numerous semesters could easily amass very large lists on their profiles, which as things are currently would invite a very lengthy process for removing/organising them. What's more in our testing, resources from archived lists are not removed from profiles, leading to situations where it would be impossible for students to remove some items.

We'd like to see similar functionality in these parts of Talis user profiles as in the "My Bookmarks" tab in Talis (see screenshot) where students have a menu option to remove items, as well as to move them to the different sections (e.g. from "Will Read" to "Have Read"). Also similar to the "My Bookmarks" tab it would be very useful for students to be able to bulk select items for removal or moving between sections.

We think these options would be very welcome for students actively using Talis functionality and lead to a better overall experience.

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